It is important to remember that more than 50% of your studies are selftaught, so you must put in a lot of effort on your own.

The following methods for carrying out studies can be defined based on the wide diversity of information available:

  • The book-based method;
  • Method based on online courses;
  • Method based on tutorials, online documentation, and forums.

With a well-planned study schedule and access to these resources, you can rely on your own abilities to acquire new theoretical and practical knowledge.

Before describing in more detail these 4 recommended methods for selftraining I would like to introduce some training techniques that can help you manage your time more efficiently and increase your performance.

Pomodoro technique

One of the most popular "time management" methods for studying is the Pomodoro technique. It is a time management method created by Francesco Cirillo in the 80's. This involves using a timer to divide study time into 25- minute intervals, separated by short 5-minute breaks. After four study intervals, take a longer break of 15-30 minutes. This technique can help improve concentration and learning efficiency.

The Pomodoro Technique is especially useful when studying complex subjects such as programming, where it is important to have time to digest the information and assimilate it effectively. Regular breaks can also prevent mental fatigue and make learning more enjoyable and less stressful.

So to get started with this method you only need two things: A4 sheets and a timer. Note your progress and measure your time.

Feynman technique

The Feynman Method, named after physicist Richard Feynman, is another effective learning technique. This involves explaining a concept in simple terms as if you were teaching someone unfamiliar with the subject.

By applying the Feynman method to information technologies, you can take a complex concept, such as sorting algorithms or cryptography, and try to explain it simply and concisely. If you find it difficult to do this, it is a sign that you should skim over the topic until you understand it.

In addition, the Feynman method can help develop communication skills, which are essential in the field of information technology

Active learning

Active learning is a method where you don't just read or listen to information, but actively engage in the learning process. This may involve solving problems, participating in discussions, writing summaries, or other activities that actively involve you in the learning process.

Active learning is particularly relevant in the field of information technology. For example, when learning a new programming language, it's not enough to read about syntax and concepts. In order to truly understand how a language works and how it can be used, it is essential to write code, solve problems, and work on projects.

Active learning also can help improve memory and understanding, as active engagement in the learning process strengthens neural connections and improves information retention.


Studying information technology can be challenging, but with the right study methods, it can become a much more enjoyable and effective experience. Whether you're using the Pomodoro technique to improve focus, the Feynman method to understand complex concepts, or active learning to directly engage in the learning process, these techniques can help increase your ability to remember, absorb, and apply what you learned in practice.

Remember that persistence and constant practice are the keys to success. So don't get discouraged if you don't understand a concept or topic. Keep studying, exploring, and experimenting, and soon you will feel progress.

Studies based on books

Personally, I started a more in-depth study in IT based on books, namely books related to .NET technologies and the C# language. I consider this the basic method, given that many lecturers and university professors organize their lectures according to book content. As one of the oldest methods of studying, books remain a never-ending source of knowledge that continues to flow through the ages.

You can find technical books in many places such as Amazon's Kindle,, etc. Nevertheless, they must be analyzed and studied as part of a planned study program rather than just reading them like novels. For beginners, books that describe a path from simple to advanced are recommended. The so-called books defined as Kits (they are books designed to prepare you for a certain certification exam, more about that in the next chapter), would be good, especially to choose those that contain keywords in the title such as: "Self-passing training kit" or "A beginners guide", "For beginners", "From simple to advanced"... And for those who have experience in the field are recommended the so-called cookbooks that teach you what to do and how to do it.

What is the best way to choose a book based on the content and need? In the first place, you must look at the table of contents, check the topics it covers, then evaluate the content, the pages, the structure of the information, and whether or not it contains practical exercises, and does it contain many practical examples.

The only books I recommend are those with practical examples and exercises for individual work, as well as some theoretical questions or quizzes.

It would be helpful to structure a book's content in the form of a study program, just as I presented it in the previous chapter.

Here I will present a new study program, based on a book, namely "Pro ASP.NET MVC 5.2.9", very useful for those who want to study web programming with the C# language and the ASP.MVC framework proposed by Microsoft. These technologies are used in the development of many web applications, including ERP and CRM software, as well as Fintech.

Themes Hours
Module 1. Learn the Basics of MVC
  • Chapter 1: Putting ASP.NET MVC in Context
  • Chapter 14: Overview of MVC Projects
  • Chapter 15: URL Routing
  • Chapter 16: Advanced Routing Features
Module 2. Learn the Business Logic
  • Chapter 17: Controllers and Actions
  • Chapter 18: Filter
  • Chapter 19: Controller Extensibility
Module 3. All about User Interface and Interactions
  • Chapter 20: Views
  • Chapter 21: Helper Methods
  • Chapter 22: Templated Helper Methods
  • Chapter 23: URL and Ajax Helper Methods
  • Chapter 24: Model Binding
  • Chapter 25: Model Validation
  • Chapter 26: Bundles
Module 4. Another Simple solution WebAPI
  • Chapter 27: Web API and Single-page
Module 5. Your first MVC Application. Preparing the land
  • Chapter 2: Your First MVC Application
  • Chapter 3: The MVC Pattern
  • Chapter 4: Essential Language Features
  • Chapter 5: Working with Razor
  • Chapter 6: Essential Tools for MVC
Module 6. Your first MVC Application. SportStore step-by-step
  • Chapter 7: SportsStore: A Real Application
  • Chapter 8: SportsStore: Navigation
  • Chapter 9: SportsStore: Completing the Cart
  • Chapter 10: SportsStore: Mobile
  • Chapter 11: SportsStore: Administration
Module 7. Your first MVC Application. Last part
  • Chapter 12: SportsStore: Security & Finishing Touches
  • Chapter 13: Deployment
Total 150

What is the best way to learn each topic separately? Personally, I prefer to study books with a pen and paper, performing 3 readings. The first reading helps me collect key elements such as notions, examples, unclear things, and questions. In the second reading, I clarify each one separately using Google or certain forums such as Stack Overflow. And in the third reading, I simulate the practical examples and solve the exercises proposed for individual work.

In this way, you develop memory, logic, and the ability to analyze things. You can also apply the Feynman method. After you go through that chapter in the second reading, try to explain what you understood in your own words in a simple and concise way. You can also write a summary on a sheet of paper, and then check yourself in the third reading if you understood and memorized things correctly. But put the focus on the practical examples that you should try to rewrite and test them in your personal editor. In addition, you can solve the individual exercises with the help of forums like StackOverflow or Reddit, Quora, GitHub, Codeproject, or others.

Below I present a list of recommended books to study programming languages, which I think you will find useful.

Recommended books for learning Java:

  • "Head First Java" by Kathy Sierra, Bert Bates
  • "Effective Java" by Joshua Bloch
  • "Java: A Beginner's Guide" by Herbert Schildt
  • "Thinking in Java" by Bruce Eckel

Recommended books for learning C#:

  • "C# 10 and .NET 6" by Mark J. Price
  • "Head First C#" by Andrew Stellman
  • "C#" by LCF Publishing, Jamie Chan

Recommended books for learning Python:

  • "Head-First Python" by Paul Barry
  • "Python Distilled" by David Beazley
  • "Python Crash Course" by Eric Matthes


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