This book is like a marked route that you must follow in order to get to your desired final destination. Every chapter marks a new step in the career path of a software developer. As always, the first step is to decide if you want to continue on this path, as the road can be arduous, tough, and even excruciating at times.

Accidents and unwanted circumstances are also possible, such as technical problems with the bodywork or the engine. Here, I am speaking allegorically about how some people can overburden themselves with studies or become too absorbed in them. A lot of people start a serious study in the IT field, but then struggle, do not understand the material, abandon the path halfway, then pick it up again after a few years, when everything has already been forgotten, or they don’t return to it anymore, it's an undesirable thing. So in order not to waste a lot of time and money on a study, which can be useless sometimes, it’s better to go through the route of this book first.

Those who wish to pursue a career in software development will find this book useful. It can serve as an excellent guide for beginners, as well as a useful resource for people who have some experience in the field. The book consists of 12 chapters, which must be followed sequentially.

The first chapter focuses more on the decision each reader must make regarding their future studies. Three case studies are presented in this chapter that show how real people ended up becoming software developers, and even built successful careers. You must know what you want and why you want to become a software developer, success stories can serve as a stimulating example here.

Once you have decided, you must choose which study path to follow and which specialization to pursue. In the second chapter, are presented the main directions of specialization for software developers, as well as the main technologies and programming languages that currently are popular and in high demand on the market.

The third chapter encourages readers to make their own choices. It exposes a consultation I had with a person interested in IT, who did not know how to start a study and which direction to choose for specialization. Also, he was troubled by several questions, like: "What should I do in order not to waste time and money on studies that won't pay off in the long run?" and "How can I know what to study, in order not to waste time studying things that I shouldn't?". You will find answers to these questions more extensively in the next chapters.

Chapter 4 details the main skills and abilities needed to be a successful software developer. Skills and abilities that you can acquire and develop. The self-assessment process is suggested from the beginning, based on some recommended practices. A few self-improvement methods are also listed.

Chapter 5 is a look into the future. It is essential to understand what stages of growth a software developer passes through in his journey, namely from beginner to seniority. Career opportunities and directions for professional growth are presented here. You have to know what level you are, or rather where you start from, and what you want to accomplish. Your diligence, passion, and interest are decisive factors for your success.

The next 4 chapters contain the most important part, namely how to conduct a study, methods and recommendations, answering in detail the previous questions: "What should I do in order not to waste time and money on studies that won't pay off in the long run?" and "How can I know what to study in order not to waste time studying things that I shouldn't?". In addition, you will find answers to many other questions that may be crucial to specialization in the field.

Chapters 10-12 discuss putting knowledge into practice, which is nothing more than reaping the benefits of a study, from your own portfolio to an IT job. The last two points are a summary and conclusion, followed by my recommendations for anyone who has completed this book.

A software developer profession can be compared to that of a drivermechanic, in my opinion. The job is technical, it requires studies and knowledge in the field, you have to be a good specialist to be able to transport passengers and certain goods to the destination, and you have to know how to fix damages that appear along the way, so you don't get stuck in a rut. You can work for yourself as well as for others.

As driving and karting are passions for many people, programming should also become a passion for you, not just a coveted job out of interest. Once transformed into passion, you will get the pleasure of self-developing along with the things you do. Even if you don't see it as a passion, take full responsibility for whatever you will develop, in order to avoid serious accidents. This way you will learn to do everything well and accurately.

Good luck!


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